Bill Evans Time Remembered Documentary Film

Interesting Quotes from fans of Bill Evans

“To put it simply, the piano never got in his way; he could by-pass the piano and go straight for the music”

“Nobody. Nobody makes music like Bill Evans”

“There is something very addicting by the way he plays, you always want to hear more”

“The ultimate poet of the piano”

“Bill Evans was in my opinion the master of reharmonization accompanied by a beautiful technique never overstepping the mark”

“Bill Evans arrangements and compositions are at the same level of Beethoven or Chopin in terms of pure beautiness”

“He makes the piano almost sound like a new instrument”

“I love the way Bill deconstructs a song and then sublimely chases it back together for those brief moments”

“It is so rare to find an artist who is good on every album, all the time, always of value and interest”

“Bill Evans: the most aerodynamic pianist in jazz history”

“Every chord, every note means something”

“Bill Evans the only dude who avoids dislikes with perfect music”

“Bill Evans’ music touches my soul in a way that no other musician can”

“If I ever tired of Bill, it would only be because I either went deaf, or passed away”

“For my taste and money, Bill Evans is the undisputed king of jazz piano”

“He could play anything and make it a Bill Evans song”

“This music is purity. It has an incredible depth and breathe of matchless artistic beauty never before heard”

“Truly Bill was just the greatest ever for the purity of his sound–no embellishments, no pyrotechnics–just a glorious celebration of jazz piano”

“One of the definitive standard bearers of pure jazz”

“This is the biggest expression of art, there is no music like this in these days”

“Bill Evans’ virtuosity is such that his hands are only an intermediary; the brain (soul) is directly expressed. Every chord the perfect color; every riff the perfect narrative”

“His music always transports me to a different plane of appreciation”

‘What are you doing the rest of your life?’ listening to Bill Evans, what else?

“Bill Evan’s playing is so sublime…almost hypnotic. What notes he doesn’t play are at least as important as the ones he does”

“Beyond his heart and soul, beyond his extraordinary sensitive technique, it was his impressionistic compositional ability that singles out this genius as my favorite pianist”

“Almost 40 years after his death and his music is still relevant today. The great Bill Evans”

“He plays jazz like a classical pianist!”

“He is so good it is hard to explain.  I just listen to him and enjoy……each and every time I hear him”

“Evans just glides over those keys, damn”